Ann Traeger-Spees
B App Science (Physiotherapy), MACP
APA Women’s, Mens, and Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
Consulting at:
Full Circle Pelvic Physio & Clinical Sexology
Victor Harbor Health Hub
11 Torrens Street, Victor Harbor SA 5211
P: 08 85553766
F: 08 85552340
W: www.
Ann Traeger-Spees
Ann has dedicated her career to working with patients as a Musculoskeletal and Women’s, Mens, and Pelvic Health Physiotherapist both in Australia and overseas. Her broad experience and expertise informs her approach to pelvic pain. She prioritises a patient centred approach to care and
understands that many who suffer with pelvic pain have been dismissed by the medical community in the past. She places the relationship with her patients at the core of her approach knowing how important this is in achieving successful outcomes of treatment.
Beyond her special interest in treating patients with pelvic pain, Ann maintains a busy caseload of patients with issues relating to incontinence, bowel issues, prolapse, sexual dysfunctions as well as musculoskeletal disorders. She has strong relationships with local General Practitioners as well as visiting Specialists. She routinely sees pre and postnatal women and liaises regularly with local GP/Obstetricians and midwifes.
Ann is a longstanding member of South Australian branch of the Australian Physiotherapy Associations Women’s, Mens and Pelvic Health committee and is actively involved in organising
professional development and teaching.
Ann will be completing a Masters in Psychosexual Therapy (University of Sydney) at the end of 2023,
further broadening her scope into practicing as a psychosexual therapist/sex therapist. This further study puts her in a unique position when working with patients with sexual pain disorders. This training has also provided additional skills and knowledge when working the LGBQTI and Disability communities as well as providing an in depth understanding of trauma informed practice.
After more than 30 years of practice Ann remains passionate about providing a service encompassing her broad experience and exceptional care. She is delighted to be able to provide
service to the more regional and rural communities on the Fleurieu Peninsula.
No referral is required to see Ann